About Us
In 2008, Rosa was formed to address the acute lack of funding for the women and girls sector. Over the years, we have adapted and grown to respond to the pressing issues affecting women and girls’ safety and equity across the UK.
Our mission is to contribute to improving the lives of women and girls by drawing in and distributing funding and resources to the women and girls sector, by strengthening organisations and by using our voice to achieve change.
The values we uphold are reflected in our work.
We ensure that we are:
We seize new opportunities, and we are not afraid to take risks in pursuit of our mission and vision.
We work with and for our partners, constantly identifying ways to collaborate rather than compete.
We value the diversity of the UK women and girls sector, and seek to harness the power of its different perspectives.
We adapt our work swiftly to meet the changing needs of the women and girls sector and the wider context.
We recognise our power as a funder and strive to constantly improve our work.
Who we support
We help specialist women’s and girls’ organisations access the funding and resources they need. We use our expertise and knowledge to deliver equitable and participatory grant-making for specialist organisations led by and for women and girls.
Without adequate funding, these organisations cannot survive, let alone thrive, and women and girls miss out on the services, programmes, and advocacy they need.
Women’s and girls’ organisations: Rosa defines women’s and girls’ organisations as those run by, for and with women and girls. This means that the organisations we fund will be governed and led by women, will have a Board of Trustees (or similar) where the Chair is a woman, and the majority of members as well as the employee leadership team are women. The principal objective of organisations we fund will be working with women and/or girls and the majority of their beneficiaries are, and will always be, women and/or girls.
Rosa believes that women’s and girls’ organisations are experts in what they do. We fund organisations that work with and for trans and non-binary people and those that don’t – we trust organisations to do what best serves the communities they work with and for. Rosa is proud of our record of funding hundreds of women’s and girls’ organisations across the UK which represent women’s and girls’ lived experience and diverse views.
Pro-choice: Rosa is proud to be a pro-choice organisation. Our vision is of a society in which women and girls are free, safe and equal. We believe that bodily autonomy is central to achieving that, which means all women and girls must have access to abortion services which are safe and legal. Rosa will not fund organisations which work against women’s and girls’ rights to access any form of healthcare including abortion services and we will use our assessment and due diligence processes to ensure we uphold this approach.
How Rosa makes grants
Rosa’s approach to grant-making aligns with our values, which are that we are bold, inclusive, transparent, agile, and collaborative.
Developing grants programmes
So that we respond to the current and most pressing needs facing women and girls, our programmes are developed in collaboration with women from the UK women and girls sector. We involve a broad range of organisations from across the sector in our work, especially those representing the most marginalised women and girls.
Assessment of applications
Applications to Rosa are assessed by our dedicated team of freelance assessors, many of whom have experience of working in the women and girls sector. We shortlist applications that most strongly fit the aims of each fund and those shortlisted are presented to a Grants Panel.
Grants Panel
Grants Panels discuss and select which applications to recommend for funding. It is important to us that women who understand the needs of organisations working with marginalised women and girls are represented on our Grants Panels. Panels are made up of experts primarily from the women and girls sector, sitting alongside at least two Rosa Trustees. We offer panellists an honorarium in recognition of their time and expertise.
Communicating with applicants
We always tell applicants when they will hear back from us, and we offer feedback if an application is unsuccessful.
How we work with grantees
We trust and respect the work of our grantees. We do not burden organisations with in-depth reporting and are mindful of the pressures they are working under. As well as supporting women’s and girls’ organisations financially, we also provide training and networking opportunities to help them develop. We renumerate women and girls organisations when they support our work through attending events, providing advice or sitting on Grants Panels.
Our simple and straightforward approach to grant-making improves access to funding for many of our grantees. By funding women-led organisations, we improve the support available and amplify the voices of women and girls, ultimately creating real change in women and girls’ lives.
Our team
Our extraordinary staff team of dedicated and dynamic colleagues who work tirelessly not only to support our investment in women’s and girls’ organisations, but who also provide ongoing training, events, research and communication in order to build capacity across the wider sector.