Applications to the Legal Advice & Support Fund Fund are currently closed.
Legal Advice & Support Fund
Victims and survivors of sexual harassment and abuse need specialist legal advice and support. We know the services providing it are often over-subscribed and under-resourced, leaving women without the tools they need to take action. This £1 million programme funded organisations that provide access to legal advice, support, and signposting for victims and survivors.

Fund Status: Closed
Application Deadline:
Grant Sizes: £25,000 +
The Advice and Support programme aims to increase access to support, signposting, and expert legal advice for victims and survivors of sexual harassment and abuse.
Organisations funded by this programme include those offering legal advice, initiatives that increase an organisations’ capacity to respond to the needs of victims. We’re particularly interested in work which reaches out to people who face additional barriers in accessing support and achieving their rights.
We awarded more than £1 million to seven women’s organisations in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. They included Welsh Women’s Aid, who are using the grant to provide training to increase the skills of women’s support services across Wales, and London Black Women’s Project, providing specialist advice to BME and migrant women. One of the most talked-about projects in the programme in 2019 was the launch of a sexual harassment advice line led by Rights of Women. Read more about their work.