Using Our Voice To Create Change For Women & Girls
Research into the women and girls sector is crucial, and by supporting this work, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of the issues that women’s and girls’ organisations face and the most effective ways to address them. Not only does this knowledge help us develop more impactful funding programmes, but it also offers valuable insight to funders looking to make a real difference.
Our research report ‘Mapping the UK Women and Girls Sector and its Funding: Where Does the Money Go?’ provides a better understanding of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) women’s and girls’ organisations in the UK. It is the first research of its kind that maps where the funding is going into the women and girls sector.
This research was conducted by The Centre for Regional, Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University. We worked in partnership with the National Lottery Community Fund and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, who helped to steer and fund the project.
To find out more about the research and its findings, please download a copy of the report here.
You can access a tool which maps women and girls organisations here.

of grants awarded went to organisations specifically focused on work with and for women and girls*

of grants recorded for women’s and girls’ work, went to non-women’s and girls’ organisations*

micro and small organisations make up most of the sector by number, yet they receive just 3.9% of the total income

over half of grants to women’s and girls’ organisations were less than £10,000