Imkaan and Rosa are delighted to announce the following 27 organisations led ‘by and for’ Black and minoritised women who will receive grants from our joint Covid-19 Response Fund for BME Women’s Organisations.

This collaborative, closed fund between Imkaan and Rosa was aimed at organisations addressing violence against Black and minoritised women and girls. Those invited to apply could do so for grants of up to £35,000 as BME women-led refuge providers, and grants of up to £20,000 for BME women-led organisations providing services that work to end violence against women and girls.


AFRICAN WOMEN CARE provides advocacy and support to BME women and young victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and those affected by harmful practices. Funding will enable the team to install appropriate IT and telephone systems, so caseworkers can continue supporting service users.

In Croydon, AFRICAN YOUTH DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION takes a community-led approach to raising awareness of domestic violence and harmful cultural practices. Funding will enable the team to host online sessions around managing mental health, meditation, and coping with bereavement.

This grant will help Bradford-based refuge and support service ANAH PROJECT to increase staff capacity to meet the 47% increase in calls since Covid-19, and enable the team to adapt support for existing service users impacted by the pandemic due to isolation and trauma. Follow on TWITTER.

THE ANGELOU CENTRE is at a 60% increase in refuge capacity due to increased destitution and homelessness. Funding will support wrap-around advocacy for migrant women – including crisis housing, therapeutic support, immigration and legal advice, and weekly financial subsistence. Follow on TWITTER.

The team at Apna Haq provides culturally appropriate support to women experiencing domestic and sexual violence. This grant will help extra staff to meet the rise in referrals from women with No Recourse to Public Funds, with a particular awareness of the needs of ‘older’ women who have been trapped at home. Follow on Twitter.

BAOBAB WOMEN’S PROJECT prioritises undocumented, asylum-seeking, refugee and migrant women who have experienced violence. Funding will increase staff capacity to provide casework advice and adapted specialist support to meet the increased and multifaceted needs of its community. Follow on TWITTER.

GRANBY SOMALI WOMEN’S GROUP works with women, children and families from BME communities in Liverpool. Funding will supplement the salary of GSWG’s project manager, enabling the team to continue providing specialist services for women and girls affected by FGM and sexual harassment.

In Middlesborough, HALO PROJECT provides specialist advice, guidance and support to victims experiencing, or at risk of, sexual and domestic violence. Funding will help the team to mitigate its increased caseload, securing and supporting families around housing and security measures. Follow on TWITTER.

HEMAT GRYFFE WOMEN’S AID gives refuge space and culturally sensitive support to women and children primarily from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities who have experienced domestic abuse, honour-based violence, and forced marriage. Funding will cover essentials including IT equipment.

KIRAN SUPPORT SERVICES runs refuges in Waltham Forest and Brent, along with community outreach, immigration advice, counselling, and more. Funding will contribute to salary costs and employing a refuge worker at a new refuge to meet increased demand for secure accommodation. Follow on TWITTER.

In Scotland, KWISA works in communities to create opportunities for African women and their families, focusing on the prevention of violence and harmful practices. This grant will fund a resilience-building project, essentials like food and sanitary products, volunteer recruitment, and more. Follow on FACEBOOK.

LATIN AMERICAN WOMEN’S AID runs the only three refuges in Europe led ‘by and for’ Latin American women and children fleeing violence. Funding will provide additional support on legal housing advice to help women find long-term accommodation. Follow on TWITTER and read LAWA’s report, #AROOFNOTAHOME.

From finding emergency accommodation to attending court, MEWSO offers multilingual counselling, advocacy and advice for vulnerable women. Funding will enable the team to provide extra support for migrant and asylum-seeking women, including 25 online therapeutic multilingual support sessions. Follow on TWITTER.

NOTTINGHAM MUSLIM WOMEN’S NETWORK shares knowledge and voices the needs of Muslim women in Nottingham. This grant will fund specialised domestic abuse support worker in Urdu and Mirpuri Punjabi, working in partnership with Juno Women’s Aid, as well as new IT systems. Follow on TWITTER.

Founded in 2008, PHOEBE provides immigration advice, advocacy and more for Black and ethnic minority women experiencing domestic violence. Some service users are in need of essentials while others are facing complex visa processes – funding will cover domestic violence advocate and staff costs. Follow on TWITTER.

REFUGEE WOMEN OF BRISTOL is the only multi-ethnic, multi-faith women’s organisation helping refugee women in Bristol. Funding will employ a drop-in assistant to create a safe space for women, as well as trauma-informed workshops and counselling. Follow on TWITTER.

ROCHDALE WOMEN’S WELFARE ASSOCIATION empowers young women to reach their potential while raising awareness of domestic violence and harmful practices. The team has experienced unprecedented calls and funding will increase specialised support, including interpreters and extra volunteers. Follow on TWITTER.

ROJ WOMEN ASSOCIATION supports Kurdish, Turkish and Middle Eastern women in North London. Funding will help the team to further its specialist domestic violence service for medium to high-risk cases, working holistically to meet new demand. Follow on TWITTER.

ROSHNI provides emergency refuge accommodation and specialist services for South Asian women and those with No Recourse to Public Funds. Referrals have increased by 60% since April and outreach has increased by 100%. Funding will cover a full-time outreach worker to support an extra 25 women. Follow on TWITTER.

Manchester-based SAHELI holistically supports women fleeing domestic abuse. Since the pandemic, the team has seen an increase in complex cases with more need for one-to-one support. This grant will employ a full-time worker to meet demand, enabling women to quickly leave abusive situations. Follow on TWITTER.

SHAKTI WOMEN’S AID gives refuge, practical support, and help with rehousing to Black and minoritised women fleeing domestic or honour-based abuse, forced marriage and FGM. This grant will help the team to meet increased referrals, employ a housing support worker, and ease the staff workload. Follow on TWITTER.

THE SHARAN PROJECT provides long-term support for South Asian women experiencing abuse, particularly those aged 17 to 25. Funding will contribute to the salary costs for a caseworker to train volunteer call handlers, expanding capacity to support 225 more women affected by abuse. Follow on TWITTER.

Grassroots community organisation SISTAH SPACE provides culturally appropriate support to women and girls of African heritage. This grant will help the team to secure rent for at least one year, as well as pay sessional workers to support victims of domestic and sexual abuse. Follow on TWITTER.

SISTER SYSTEM offers a peer-informed programme of early intervention to some of London’s most vulnerable and isolated women and girls. Funding will help the team accommodate and support an extra 12 girls who are victims of violence and require urgent care. Follow on TWITTER.

Reading-based UTULIVU WOMEN’S GROUP empowers Black and minoritised women to lead healthy lives as part of their communities. Funding will enable the team to mitigate increased needs, particularly around technology as a way to counter feelings of isolation. Follow on TWITTER.