Fund us: Trusts and Foundations
Be part of a community that knows how much needs to be done to further women’s and girls’ rights in the UK. Working together helps to spread our collective knowledge further and invest in the most effective solutions to issues such as representation in public and political life, sexual harassment, and migrant rights.

Current funding programmes
Stand With Us addresses male violence against women and girls in the UK
Rise Fund strengthens organisations led by and for Black and minoritised women and girls
Voices From the Frontline supports campaigning and advocacy work to ensure women’s and girls’ voices are heard

Our partnerships
Past partnerships include working with Smallwood Trust to develop the Women Thrive fund, which supports organisations working with women and girls on their mental health or financial resilience. We received £1.79 million through the government’s Tampon Tax fund, and Smallwood Trust donated a further £200,000 to the fund. We have also worked with The Big Give to develop their Women and Girls Match Fund, which raised over £2 million for charities working to improve the lives of women and girls across England and Scotland.
To discuss how your funding could support Rosa’s work, please contact: fundraising@rosauk.org.

Framework for capturing change
Rosa is committed to understanding whether – and in what ways – its grants are making a difference, both to the organisations it funds and in terms of the work they do. This document sets out the framework that Rosa uses to define the changes it seeks to contribute to through its grant making. The type of evidence that Rosa is interested in goes far beyond simple counting of activities to also focus on understanding how and why change is – or isn’t – taking place. Rosa does this by seeking to capture women’s and girls’ own perspectives.